I feel so sorry for these poor, pathetic women. If you don't know what I am talking about, there it's a group of women in Israel who claim they are reform Jews demanding to do everything men do. However, reform Judaism doesn't believe in these things. They long did away with what they consider to be old, archaic practices, like wearing tefillin, or the Priestly Blessing. So these women feel that in order to be a full and complete woman, they have to act like a man. How sad! How pathetic! These poor, poor uneducated in true Torah Judaism women do not even understand the very basic concepts of how the Torah views the Jewish woman. To quote our local rabbi, Rabbi Pereira, he said in a JLI class, the Torah puts a Jewish woman on a pedestal. A woman is born complete, which is why we do not perform circumcision on a woman. A woman is granted an extra measure of Binah, wisdom. Hashem tells Abraham that he should listen to the counsel of his wife Soroh, because of that. Woman are closer to G-d on many levels. We are able to emulate Hashem in the sense that we bring life into the world. Men, who are lower than women, do not have this sense of G-dliness, which is why they need a constant reminder... Their bris and their yarmulka. They need a reminder that G-d is always above them, whereas a woman innately knows this through her monthly cycles.
So you have these women who don't do the mitzvos they are supposed to do, like dress modestly or cover their hair, trying to act like a man. Congratulations Women Of the Wall ... Feminism at its best ... A woman once again trying to be the best man she can be. Which is why I think they are so pathetic and so sad. Instead of rejoicing in who they are, they are trying to be something they are not. How very, very sad.
Ps ... I did find it hilarious that when I was in Israel, these women gave a class to other women on how to wear tefillin. The funniest part is that me, a woman who has never, ever worn tefillin in my life, was able to see how each and every one of them was wearing them wrong! One lady had hers hanging of the side of her forehead, others had them too far forward. Again, why do these ladies insist on wearing boring black tefillin? Why are they not wearing pink and purple and other colors that better match what they are wearing? Don't they care that their teffilin don't match their shoes or pocket books or colorful prayer shawls? If they insist on wearing tefillin, why not wear cute ones?