My mom was very, very liberal. As a young girl, I remember my mom working on the McGovern campaign. She was very involved and really into it. I asked, "Why are you voting for McGovern?" She explained," We are Jews. Jews vote Democrat." I asked her why, but she didn't know. It is just the way it is. Now you have to understand that I just looked it up. McGovern ran in '72. I was all of 6 when this happened! Fast forward to the year I turned 18. I have no idea why, but I voted for Reagan. I can't even remember why. I just know I was SOOO excited to vote and that it was a presidential election and my candidate won! Whoo hoo! It was only much later that I came to appreciate what a fantastic president he was. (He is actually one of the people I would love to be able to go back in time and speak with if someone makes a time machine.)
That is the closest I am ever going to get to meeting him sadly. (Thank you to my dear Hubby for doing that for me.)
Now my husband is also a conservative. It was never something we spoke about. It just happened. (We think a like on a lot of things.) Now his parents were a different story. Again, we are talking older Jewish parents who grew up with the Jews vote Democrat. My in-laws voted for Clinton. Now over the last maybe 10 or 12 years, both my mom and my in-laws have slowly woken up, and realized that the Democrats are NOT the party for Jews. I am so happy to say that they are all very proud and strong conservatives, along with my brother. I work very hard to speak with other Jews who think that the Democrats are the party of choice for us. Now more than ever it is so not the case.
As I write this, we saw protesters burning the Israeli flag, and other ones INSIDE waving PLO flags. The Democrats have moved very strongly away from supporting Israel. Hillary herself is very anti-Israel. You can read it for yourself here: Her hatred for Jews goes very far back, to when Bill was campaigning. Lid with a Yid blogged about it here: One of my friends learned the hard way that the Democrats are anti-Israel. Her son lives in Israel. She happened to be there when the war in Gaza happened, and the government here shut down the airports and wouldn't allow flights in or out. She was stuck. I am not sure if that was the turning point, but I do know when she came back, she told me that she is sorry she voted not once, but TWICE for B.O.
Sadly, many Jews are liberals today. They have thrown off the yoke of Torah, and accepted Liberalism as their religion. They don't give a hoot about Israel, and l'havdil, Huffington Post is their bible. Whatever HuffPo says is gospel to them. Jews in general are very compassionate people, which is why they used to belong with the Democrats. But as the Democrats swing slowly towards Jew haters, it is no longer the place for them to be. But they don't see that. One of the most important videos anyone can watch about the Middle East can be found here: What Really Happened In the Middle East
So there you have it. A little girl who always bucked the system and asked a lot of questions and figured things out for herself. And this same little girl has managed to wake up other Jews along the way.
By the way, I wrote a little piece for the Open House section of a Jewish magazine, but I missed the deadline, so I will post it here.
This year more than ever it's so important for every person to register and vote. We have a candidate running whose platform is in line with Torah values. A platform that calls for Yerushalayim to remain united, and possibly abandoning the ago called two state solution. How often did the Rebbe cry about the importance of not giving up even an inch of the holy land of Eretz Yisroel, let alone half of our most holy city?!!! The other party's platform is looking like it will support our enemies. This same party has pushed for us to accept lifestyles that are against Torah. We all know that the Rebbe was also very passionate about the idea of school choice, giving parents the right to allocate their tax dollars to be used in private schools via school vouchers. Imagine how much this would help families struggling to pay tuition rather than funneling all the tax dollars into public schools that most frum families don't use. (See issue #xx for an article about this topic.) The GOP presidential candidate has stated very clearly that this is a topic he strongly supports.
I know some people feel that their vote doesn't matter. This past summer there was a primary in New York. The Democrat candidate has voted in support of the Iran Deal (a deal that gives Iran nuclear capability). In Manhattan, he got 90% of the vote. However, in Brooklyn, he won by one vote. Yes, one vote. And while he is still the Democrat candidate, it sends a very strong message that Brooklyn was very upset with him.
One last thought for those of you who think you don't have time to register or vote. In 1997, my son was diagnosed with leukemia. On the day of the election, he was in the ICU with a fever of 104. I still took the time to go vote. If I could do it, there is very little reason why someone else shouldn't be able to find the time to register and vote. We need to stand up for Torah and in this election we have a chance to do just that.
One last thought for those of you who think you don't have time to register or vote. In 1997, my son was diagnosed with leukemia. On the day of the election, he was in the ICU with a fever of 104. I still took the time to go vote. If I could do it, there is very little reason why someone else shouldn't be able to find the time to register and vote. We need to stand up for Torah and in this election we have a chance to do just that.
This part is so important that I didn't have a chance to add, so I will embed it here. This is a Town Hall meeting in Roanoke, VA this week.
You will not hear this from the Democrats, that is for sure.