Liz Lovely. Sounds so sweet, right? Well, IT IS!
A few months ago I discovered these super delish cookies at Ellwood Thompson's. These cookies are absolutely INCREDIBLE. I kid you not. They are kosher (chof-k pareve), non-GMO, gluten free (I personally don't care; the first two are what matter to me), and come in a ton of yummy flavors. My absolute favorite is the triple chocolate mint cookie.
Here's what happened ... I was going on vacation to New York and New Jersey for a while, but I didn't have time to pick some up before I left. No biggie; I figured I would get them on the road. First day of the trip, and I gobbled up my last remaining triple chocolate mint cookie. Two days later, when I showed up in Long Island, I googled where to get them. BROOKLYN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Do you have any idea how long it takes to get from Long Island to Brooklyn? Fine! I'll make do without for a few more days. However, by the time I got to Brooklyn, I literally didn't have a minute to pop into Whole Foods (right in Park Slope! Who knew?). So I figured I would get them when I went to Goldie in NJ. Murphy's Law, right? I get to NJ, and the closest store is 20-30 mins away. This time I was smart, and called. Well, sadly, they only had two of the three flavors and they don't stock the triple chocolate mint cookie.
Next up was our stop in Silver Springs. Once again, the cookie gods were against me. I could not for the life of me locate the Whole Foods. Nor did I feel like attempting to find the stores that did stock the cookies. (I made do with the Enjoy Life cookies, which, while they are good, they do not hold a candle to these cookies.)
Finally, arrive home, and you guessed it ... I was too tired to go out to get some. Hubby offered to satisfy my craving and go for me, but he was also tired, and I didn't want to make him go out for a cookie. (what was I thinking???)
Today, after almost 3 weeks of triple chocolate mint withdrawal, I FINALLY GOT MY COOKIE! The cookies were frozen, but I didn't care. I ate it anyway! Yes, greedy piggie that I am at a whole cookie, which is actually two servings. They are that good.
Did I whet your appetite for these yet? I don't work for Liz Lovely. I am just one incredibly happy customer who believes in sharing her great finds with her friends. BTW, if you happen to have a "health food store" in Long Island, Brooklyn, or Lakewood, I was the nut job who hit every store telling them to get their hands on these cookies!
Runner up on flavors --- snickerdoodles. I also like the cowboy cookies. I picked up a cowgirl cookie, as well as the Chocolate Moose Dragon. So when you hear me complaining that nothing fits, you'll know why!
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