Sunday, June 19, 2016

"So prepare for the coup of the century"

"Be Prepared"

Music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim R
Remember the movie Lion King, where Scar is planning to take over?  This is the song they sing ...

Emergency preparations, preppers, preparedness, survivialism, or whatever you want to call it, people are going to make fun of you for doing it.  How do I know?  Cuz I've been trying to make sure I am "prepared for the coup of the century".  Honestly, I am not doing as good of a job as I would like to be.  This past weekend, it got put to the test.

I was in New York for a few days immediately following a 3 day holiday (Shabbos & 2 days of Shavuous).  So basically, I was out of commission for almost a full week.  Laundry was done before Shabbos, food cooked, etc.  We lost power for literally a minute Shabbos morning, which knocked my oven out.  OK, I can deal.  For the two days of the holiday, I used my cook top rather than my oven.  I managed. We had jello for dessert instead of a baked goodie.  I made rice instead of roast potatoes.  We survived.  Then at 6am I left.  I came back at 8:30pm Thursday night.  We lost power at 9:20pm.  Who knew?  I certainly didn't pay any attention to the little warnings my weather app was giving me all day.  I thought that they were for the areas up north.  

So now here we are with a killer storm blasting through our state with lightening like you would not believe. Flashes one on top of the other on top of another.  Thunder that shook the house.  Do I freak out?  No. First thing Friday morning I run to Robert's Oxygen to get some dry ice.  I'm going to save my freezer at all costs.  I run the grocery store like it's nothing to buy my Shabbos food.  I have to plan carefully, because I know for sure we are not going to have power on Shabbos, and I have my kids & grandbaby coming.  I have to plan it to have exactly enough food, nothing left over.  I have no way to store it. And of course, I need ice.  

My new best friend is Amazon Prime, which has a cool feature of getting stuff the same day.  I ordered some lanterns and batteries.  I did have enough yartzeit candles to put into every bathroom.  Thank G-d it was just a weather related emergency and not the zombie apocalypse that I've been preparing for.  And in hindsight, I see that I am NOT TOTALLY prepared!  

So why am I telling you all this ... YOU MUST PREPARE!  Stop laughing and listen.  You have no idea what can happen.  A freak storm can knock power out.  A lay off, rioting, whatever.  Something can happen.

We did have enough water bottles.  I had been stocking up.  We almost finished up two cases of water bottles in 3 days.  I want to find some type of ice that I can store and break open to use rather than have to run around looking for it.  I need more dry goods.  I need a way to cool ourselves if need be, and yes, the baby wipes they suggest for cleaning are a must.  No showers for 3 days is disgusting!

So here is a quick list of everything you should have, not in any order, that we needed or used this weekend:
bottled water (had / used)
baby wipes (needed)
flashlights or lanterns (got)
batteries (got)
candles (had / used)
matches (had / used)
tissues (had / used)
extra phone batteries (had /used)
gas for cars (might have needed)
snacks (people get bored with no WiFi)

That's all I can think of for right now.  Please feel free to add to my list in comments, or just google preppers.  

Now I got to go google ice that can be stored for long periods of time ...

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