Friday, August 5, 2016

Little by little, Step by step

Sometimes in life, we think we can't do something. We think, Oh, it's too hard or it will take too long. So we don't even start.
Last December, Michoel gave me a Garmin Vivofit. I was thrilled to start keeping track of my steps. It's really cool to see when I more active and when I was lazy. I've recently been having issues with syncing. Today I was finally able to do it. And look what I found out!

Do you see that? In 8 1/2 months, I've taken a million and a half steps!!! If someone would have told me, Try to take a million steps, I would have thought they were crazy. The fact is, when you break down a big goal into small baby steps, anything is possible.
It reminds me of my friend Melanie. I met Melanie at a Chai Lifeline bereavement retreat. Melanie and I really hit it off. Recently, Melanie completed everything, and now she is Dr Melanie, licensed phycologist. I've been friends with her all these years as she went back to school. She has a goal, and just kept plugging along.
Baby steps end up equaling a lot of big steps.
Wishing you a good shabbos!

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