Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Crazy upside down world keeps getting crazier

I've held my tongue on this for long enough that now I am going to burst.  The world has gone so crazy, there is no other way to put it.  It's all topsy-turvy, with right being wrong and wrong being right.
A few weeks ago, an armed man tried to rob a Pizza Hut. Unbeknownst to him, one of the employees was not a sitting duck. He was armed, and he used his weapon to defend him and the other patrons.  However, this worthless piece of garbage's parents see it otherwise.  They are angry that this employee didn't just let their son rob him and possible kill HIM.  They want to know why he was armed, and why he didn't just wait for cops to get there.  They are also upset that he took a head shot rather than a center body mass shot.  Hey people!  Did it not occur to you that cops are not supposed to protect the public?  Yeah, that is true.  Their job is to investigate crimes, and bring people to justice.  The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that way.  WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.  Yeah, I know. Totally shocking, right?  The Constitution DOES give us each the right to protect ourselves, by giving us the right to bear arms.  So to these parents who are upset that a Pizza Hut employee put a bullet through their son's head I say to them, YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER PARENTS!  You should have taught your son right from wrong, rather than bemoaning the fact he got what was coming to him ... a bullet in his head. Read the whole story here.
Next up, we have the country full of cry babies.  Yes, I know a lot has already been said and written about it, but I have a different prospective on the whole thing.  Last Thursday I was shocked, absolutely HORRIFIED actually, to read that some rabbis actually sat shiva for Hillary not winning the election.  SITTING SHIVA???  Come on people!  Sitting shiva is for an actual death.  Wanna know some real things to cry over?  How about a mom finding her son Pesach morning stone cold, and trying her hardest to give him CPR while knowing it was too late?  How about the mom whose son went to play basketball and dropped dead on the court?  She never even got to say good bye to him either.  I know moms whose children were sick, and we watched our children suffer through horrible things. We were forced to make decisions no parent should ever have to face.  I myself had to give the OK to turn off the life supporting medication, and then hold my son as his heart monitor slowly started to flat line.  AND YOU THINK HILLARY LOSING IS THE SAME THING???  It's an insult to me and every bereaved person in this world to even think or act like that.  4 little orphans in Israel last year, who watched Arab monsters murder their parents. A father and brother on their way to a Shabbos Kallah (a celebration the shabbos before the wedding) shot, and a wedding postponed so the family could mourn.  A 12 year old girl stabbed in her own bed as she slept.  THOSE are things you sit shiva for. Those are things you mourn. But a stupid election???  These are the same people who have no problem killing a 9 month fetus (baby) because the mother had decided it was not a good time or whatever.  Not even a tear is shed and yet they can sit shiva for a person they have never even met and who truthfully, doesn't even care that they exist.  This was such a huge slap in my face to read this drivel.  Especially coming from a piece of garbage woman who molested her own sister and is quite proud of what she did.  http://www.dailywire.com/news/10877/lena-dunham-sits-shiva-hillary-clinton-amanda-prestigiacomo
Now lets move onto the monster who crashed a bus full of children, killing five and injuring many more.  There are reports that he turned around to the kids just before the crash and said, Whose ready to die.  Now while no one has confirmed this, you can find the story here: http://nypost.com/2016/11/22/bus-driver-asked-kids-if-they-were-ready-to-die-before-crash/  And then, again, to add insult onto of injury, HIS PARENTS ARE ASKING FOR COMPASSION FOR THEIR SON! No way!  No way!  No way! This is NOT some video game where you accidentally died and you press a button and you can start all over.  Whether or not those words are true, the fact is, there son is responsible for the deaths of 5 children.  Five families that are about to enter into a personal hell that no one who hasn't been there will understand. (If you are not a bereaved parent, then just thank your lucky stars you can't 100% understand what I am saying. You can empathize, but I really don't want anyone else to really understand.)  What kind of compassion does she want? For the world not to think he's a monster?  For us to say, "Oh poor baby! You accidentally killed 5 kids and injured a bunch more."?  Lady, I'm sorry. But the only compassion I can muster is for the families who lost children and have injured children.  I have compassion for the children who went through such a horrific trauma.  But your son?  If it was a total and complete accident, if he wasn't speeding, or doing anything stupid, then yeah, I can feel sorry that he went through this.  But from the initial reports, the only thing I have is loathing that he was the messenger to bring suffering to all these families. And the countless other people who are saddened by what happened.  http://wtvr.com/2016/11/22/fatal-school-bus-crash/
And finally, the straw that broke the camel's back today ... http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Gold-Star-family-booed-on-flight-to-pick-up-10628892.php A military family, whose son paid the ultimate price for our freedom was on their way to the purple heart ceremony on the East Coast. Their plane left late, and they had a connection in Phoenix. The pilot asked everyone to remain seated so that the family could deplane first and get to their second plane.  AND .. this is so painful to type ... people boo'd. They complained that they paid money to sit in first class and they should have been allowed to deplane first! I just can't go there.  I can't figure out how any one can complain! What? Did they wish THEY had a dead kid so they could deplane first?  Where is the compassion in our country? Even if you don't agree with the military, you still show respect for a family going to their child's last ceremony.  This reminds of back in 2012, when Obamacare was coming out ... I read a comment about a woman who was a two time cancer survivor.  She had to give up her doctors, and she was very upset. Yet, get this ... you better sit down for this ... someone commented that she was a winner. Yup, this dude had paid into his insurance for years and years, and he got nothing from it. This woman however, had over a million dollars worth of payouts for treatments, so she was a real winner.  People spoke to this guy over and over again, myself included. Winners are the ones who DON'T cash in on their health insurance policies not the ones who do!  But this moron could not get it through his head.  He was so jealous that she didn't waste money all those years paying premiums.

Yes. The world is so upside down right now, it is almost impossible to see what is right anymore.  Liberals running around screaming about Love Trumps Hate while beating Conservatives with their signs ... My daughter scared to wear her Trump shirt for fear of getting hurt ... Liberal tolerance, liberal lies, my getting called a Nazi for supporting Trump ... THE WORLD HAS GONE TOTALLY CRAZY and the only thing I can hope is that this means are sooo close to Moshiach ... because I feel like I am slowly losing my mind from all this craziness ... there seriously isn't enough duct tape to hold my head together from all this hypocrisy.

B"N, I will try to write about something happy next time.

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