Monday, November 6, 2017


Look liberal America, we get it. You are upset that you lost the election. You are pissed your candidate didn't become president. We get that you hate #PresidentTrump and you wish he wasn't president.
However, here ARE the facts:

*Hillary Clinton *LOST*. Yes, she lost. This is real life, there are no do-overs or second chances; she lost.

*Donald Trump *WON*.  Yes, he won, and he is the 45th President of the United States of America. (Well, it's supposed to be the United states, but sadly, those on the Left refuse to be united.)

*In the real world, NOT "everyone is a winner".  (Sorry, but you were fed a pack of lies by well meaning people who didn't want to hurt your feelings.)

*Actions have consequences. (I'm not going to get into WHY Hillary lost; suffice it to say she refuses to accept responsibility for her losing, which is also part of the problem.)

*We *DESPISED* Obummer, but hey, we accepted that we lost and moved on. Which is why we turned out in force to make sure we didn't lose in 2016.

Why am I harping on an event that happened almost a year ago to the day? Because those on the Left refuse to behave like grown ups and move on. Instead, they are behaving like a toddler who was told she can't have ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  The big protest coming up this week is "Scream At the Sky" on Nov 8th to show your dissatisfaction with the election results. REALLY? I mean, REALLY??????? Come on! Even my grandchildren know better than that.  Which leads me to believe that all these stupid "feel good" things parents have been doing to their kids have resulted in a bunch of kids in their twenties who never learned at age 2 that things don't always go your way, and the world does NOT revolve around you.  Yup.  It's a sad fact of life, but truthfully, we are all just a small blimp in the scheme of life.

Which leads to my next point ... if that is the case, and we are basically nothing, then what are we here for?  Easy! To make this world a better place. I don't care what religion you are, what side of the aisle you belong to politically, or even if you don't believe in a Higher Power at all ... no one can argue that anything bad will come about from trying to make this world a better place.

So how can we do that? So many little things; I've said it so many times before. Take time to connect with others. The mailman ... he has a life! Say Hello and tell him Thank You for working on such a hot or cold or rainy day.  The woman checks you out at the grocery ... She is a person too! She has hopes and dreams and desires! Put down your phone when checking out, look her in the eye, and thank her for helping you! Smile at that stranger you pass while grabbing your cart, and also at the person you see walking down the street. Yes, EVEN IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEM! I can promise you that nothing bad will happen from showing people that you care about them.

I love to tell people how my husband teases me that I suffer from MyLipusFlapus (King of Queens term). Yes, I talk waaaayyyy too much.  But I also find out things about people I meet. I have a mini-connection with all these strangers, and yes, I do view some of them as friends.  Every single person is in this world because G-d put them here.  That means that each and every person has a purpose, and a reason for them to exist.

I've decried the lack respect for human life for quite some time now.  Find out you're pregnant, but it's not convenient, or not the gender you wanted, easy-peasy-one-two-three and POOF! gone!  An sickly person has no quality of life? Once again, easy-peasy-one-two-three and POOF! gone! We spend a lot of time talking (and arguing) with people on social media, forgetting that there is a life, breathing, living human being sitting on the other side (most of them; unless you are fighting with a bot). People play video games where you kill others and don't bat an eyelash. We have songs that speak about killing police, or raping women.  Then we are horrified when someone does it.  (I would just like to point out that I personally believe that these things taint your soul, and I don't allow them to do that. I don't watch TV or movies; I don't listen to regular music, read secular books, or even play those violent games.  They ALL have a subliminal effect on you.  So much so, that our Rebbe told us years ago not to let young children see non-Kosher animals, because of the effect it has on the soul. How much more so that garbage that Hollywood throws out.)

This is the main reason I am writing.  Yesterday's massacre should be a huge wake up call to the entire country.  It's time we all say to those throwing a temper tantrum, GROW UP! You need to act like adults, and accept that this is the reality. As much as you wish it isn't so, it still is.  Put your hate aside, and let's try to repair. Stop trying to divide us. Let's work on being the UNITED States of America again, even if you can't stand the President. Look, we survived 8 years of Obama. And if you people on the Left stop trying to prevent President Trump from doing his job, then you will survive too.

Meanwhile, tragically, there is a family in Texas who has lost 8, yes EIGHT members of their family.  It is a tragedy beyond words! Please read the article, and donate something, anything, to help them.

Let's hope the next time I post, it is on a happy occasion. I am getting so sick and tired of being sad at the horrible way the world is today!


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