Monday, October 2, 2017

My Precious

Gollum and the ring ... If you read Lord of the Rings, you know that Gollum was obsessed with the ring, to the point that it drove him mad.
But maybe Gollum wasn't the one who was insane, maybe it's us? We grab onto our "precious" and lose sight of what is truly the most precious of all ... human life.

Puerto Rico suffered through the third hurricane to wreck tremendous damage in this hurricane season.  Yet what does the mayor of San Juan do? She politicizes the whole thing, to the point where she stands in front of pallets of food decrying the lack of help!

Even better yet, in an area without any power, she magically has the ability to make a hat and shirt trying to embarrass our President for his "lack of response".

So let me ask you ... what is more important here? Getting food and water to people who don't have, or making a politically statement? Well, we see what Carmen Yulin Cruz holds precious. It's her political agenda above her constituents.  And it's sickening!

This morning I awoke to the horrible news of the terrible tragedy in Las Vagas.  Yet what are the first rumblings ... not, HOW AWFUL! Not sympathy to the hundreds of people who experienced a life changing event. Not horror at the nightmares these people are going to have. Not remorse over at least 50 lives gone, families destroyed by death of a loved one and the over 400 people who will carry physically scars the countless people who will carry emotional scars ... Nope. The call is for more gun control ... the call is that we Americans have brought this on ourselves with liberal gun laws ... the call is that hopefully it was only Trump supporters who die and not anyone else ... excuse me but ... WHAT?????  Where is the cry for the loss of human life? Does it matter if the person was Red or Blue before they died or were injured?  Cuz last I saw, we ALL BLEED RED!

The value of human life .... that is what our society has lost value of it. Hurricanes rip through the country, and you have whack jobs saying that Texas got Karma baby ... And that Trump brought the hurricanes to drive the Mexicans out of Florida ... sheer stupidity and basically no one seems to care about human life. Why should they? If you find out that becoming a mom is not exactly what you wanted, well, just murder that little life inside of you.  Just rip it right out, stop that little heart from beating and G-d forbid becoming a burden on your life. I mean, we can't have people being inconvenienced by a baby for goodness sake, right???  People play video games where they kill other people, watch movies with tons of people dying, and listen to songs about rape and murder with no thought of what it does to their morality.  People have no problem killing a child because his life has no quality, and end of life issues ... if you are suffering or have a disease, then just end it all now, cuz life has on intrinsic value.  The is truly the crux of our problem.  The Liberal Left has a done a fantastic job of taking G-d out of people lives. Without G-d, then there is no meaning and there is no value. Whatever you hold dear is what is your precious ... your job, your processions, your political ideas or ambitions ... that is all that matters.

It's time for us to step back. We need to invite G-d back into our lives. We need to let HIM decide what has value and what is important. Each and every single human life has intrinsic value, simply because G-d created that person, brought him into this world, and continues to let them live.  Now what you do with your gift of life is up to you.  Do you want to make this world a dark place by snuffing out over 50 lives and destroy countless others, or do you want to be a beacon of light, bringing happiness and goodness where ever you go? Shine light or cast darkness? The power is in our hands.

We need to grab onto the precious, and hold onto it tightly, because unlike Gollum and his ring, our precious should be human life, goodness, and making the world a better place.

Do some random acts of kindness today to bring some light back into the world that was made a lot darker last night.

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