Sunday, December 24, 2017

Safe spaces cuz YOU'RE OFFENDING ME!

What a bunch of garbage! Safe spaces? A place where you will never get hurt? Doesn't exist. I was going to say once a person is in the grave, they can never get hurt, but it seems that some people believe in disparaging those who can't defend themselves.

Everyone is offended by everything now a days. You can't tell a woman she looks nice, that's harassment.  And don't you dare open a door for her, cuz that is implying she isn't capable of doing it herself.  Everyone gets a trophy for participating, because we are all winners. Don't wish someone "Merry Xmas", cuz they might not celebrate it. But don't try and wish them "Happy Holidays" either, because they may celebrate xmas and get upset that you didn't wish them THAT. Don't put up a nativity scene, because it's offense. Don't walk a dog. Don't buy pork products. Don't carry a gun. Don't believe in free speech. Don't think thoughts that the Leftist have deemed hate space, which includes liking our president, loving your country, or wanting to stay safe in your country. Don't be upset with people who break the law, cuz that is racist. Don't follow a religion because it's homophobic, and all the other isms. Unless, of course, your religion is Islam. Because then you can follow it to your hearts content. Rape women, beat your wife, mutilate your daughter, do disgusting unspeakable things to goats and other animals, but hey, it's ISLAM. It's OK to do that.

I say BULL! You can NOT protect yourself or your child from life. They will NOT always win. They may not get the job they apply for. They may not marry the person they hope to. They may be turned down for a raise. Worse things can happen.  I am not saying that I am in favor of bullying, but I do believe that need to know that the world doesn't revolve around them. Yossi a'h was teased in 2nd or 3rd grade by some classmates. He was such a sweet and gentle boy; he didn't know how to handle it. He had been taught "We don't hit". So when things got a little rough, he took it like a punching bag. Then we told him, "When someone starts up with you, you are allowed to finish it".  The next time it happened, Yossi punched the kid, and that was the end of that. Was this whole situation right? No. But kids will be kids. Kids will be cruel. They will form cliques and exclude others and make fun of kids who are different from them. As a parent, it is our job, our responsibility, to teach our kids, THIS IS WRONG. This is NOT acceptable.  This is where people are failing their children. By taking G-d out of their lives, they have no moral ethics, except what they deem is ethical.  The problem with this is that when you decide ethics from society, those ethics can change. It used to be that abortion was considered wrong. Now women brag about killing their babies. I grew up in a time when parents stayed married. I was the only kid with a single mom. Now, having two parents is weird.

This last generation is becoming a generation of fragile, delicate, snowflakes. (Yes, I called them that!)  You can't hurt their feelings in any way. It may damage their self esteem, which is the most important thing in the whole wide world. If you try to say something that is offensive to them, they run to their "safe spaces" where you can't say those hurtful things.

So let me ask you this -- Where was the safe space for my children in 1997 when we had to tell them their brother had leukemia? Where was that space in 2001 when I had the pleasure of telling them that their brother had died. Yes, actually DIED. I'll tell you where it is. It doesn't exist. Where is the safe place for the kids who have been molested? Where is the safe place for kids saw their parents murdered by rabid arabs right before their eyes? And where is the safe place for kids whose parents get divorced, get sick, lose their job, or whatever else life throws at them.

You wanna know where these safe spaces are? They are INSIDE of you. It's that place where you dig deep, pull up your big girl (or boy) pants, and pick yourself back up. It's the inner strength you get from going through a hard time. It's that sensitivity you develop towards other going through a similar painful experience. If you shelter your kids from life, you are actually doing them a disservice. You are turning them into a selfish person who doesn't empathize. You are actually turning this whole world into an UNSAFE space for the rest of us. You are making it so kids can't handle anything they don't agree with. They can't hear conservative speakers. They can't hear different ideas. They feel entitled. They feel that you have to treat them with kid gloves because they are so special.

Well, chickadee, let me tell you. Yes, you are special. But then again, every single person in this world is special. You are not more equal than any of us, despite what your mommy told you. Yes. I just said that. I know, so hurtful. Such hate-speech. So disgusting. Well guess what, I stand by what I said. 

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