Sunday, December 1, 2013


I am going to start by saying that I am really sorry if this offends anyone.  This is my blog, my thoughts, and as far as I know, this is still a free country, and I am still entitled to have these thoughts.

Tonight was our Chanukah program, Chanukah On Ice.  It's a lot of fun.  We rent out the local ice skating rink.  We play Jewish music, light the menorah, have arts and crafts and sell kosher food.  This year we had some unwelcome guests, messianics.  Yes, I did go over and ask about them (what's your name-where are you from-what synagogue do you attend?).  They had no problem letting me know that they are from Tikvat Israel, our local Messianic church. The guy claimed to be Jewish, with a Jewish mother. Sorry, but I know a Jew when I see one.  There is no way, no way at all that this guy was Jewish.  It is like a sixth sense.  He claimed that he doesn't believe in yehoshua, which is what the messianics call him.  Yeah, he isn't one, my foot.  I did tell them that I was going to let everyone know who they were. And I did.  Anyone who got within 10 feet was warned.

The thing that really, really gets me is this -- We are there celebrating our religious freedom.  The Syrian-Greeks were bent on taking the Jewishiness out Judaism.  I've said it before, it's OK to light Shabbos candles, because they are so pretty.  It's OK to eat kosher, because it is good for your body.  It's NOT OK to light Shabbos candles to show that G-d created the world in six days.  It is NOT OK to eat kosher just because G-d told us to, even if we don't understand why.  This is exactly what they are trying to do to us again.  They use trickery and lies to steal Jewish souls away.  They tell us to believe in their god, and you can still be a Jew. It's a total and complete load of baloney.  It goes against the basic Jewish beliefs to believe in a man as a god.  Why do they have to come to our programs?  Why do they have to slap us in the face like that?

And more important, why do people not care?  So many people kept asking me why they were there.  They all said that it's a public forum, they can't kick them out. No one needs to make them feel welcome.  Call them out for what they are.  They are liars and thieves of the worst kind.

Shame on them for showing up.  And yes, you are listening to a modern day Yehudis who would not let them do their dirty, evil work.  I will call them out for what they are.  I do hope that at the Jewish Food Festival there will be others who will be strong enough to call them out and make them feel very unwelcome.  It's time to take a stand and protect our children and protect those who don't know any better.

Happy Chanukah -- night number 5 - A special night where there is more light than darkness.

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