I'm probably the last person in the world who should be writing this, but since when has that ever stopped me from doing anything?
Tonight is the second say of Rosh chodesh, alef Elul, (A quick shout out ... Happy anniversary to Shauly and Zahava!) A time for introspection. My good friend Zeldy a'h used to tell me about how when she was younger, you could feel when Elul had arrived. Everything and everyone just knew it. This has always intrigued me, and I never had a chance to find out exactly what she meant. Or I forgot. 😢
One of my friends on My Fitness Pal had a great status about us using this month to make better choices for ourselves, both physically and spiritually. Ones that may not give us instant gratification, but in the long run, will be better for us.
Whoa! That's a really, really heavy thought! I think actually, it's brilliant. The hardest part is figuring out how to implement this!!!
For me, I'm impulsive. I have a big, fat mouth that often works faster than ny brain. Which tends to get me into trouble. A lot. Not cool, I know. At least I'm humble enough to know when I need to apologize. Most of the time I manage to actually do it, although, not always.
So here it is, Rosh Chodesh Elul, and yes Zeldy, I feel it. This year, everything feels different already. I've got a lot of work cut out for me, and I have 40 days to do it.
Join me on the journey? Can't change the world until we change ourselves.
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