Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Zero Tolerance ... Depends on what you don't tolerate when you're liberal

I would venture to say almost every school in America has a zero tolerance policy against bullying.  If a child is bullying another one, they jump on it right away to try and nip it in the bud.  This is a good thing.  No one should suffer from being bullied.  Let's look at the definition of a bully (emphasi is mine):

use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants
"a local man was bullied into helping them"

Notice what it says there.  Using force to get someone to do what they want.  Now, let's look at the so called Israel-Palestine conflict (there is no such place as Palestine, they are Arabs from here on forth).  The Arabs cry that mean old Israel has confiscated their land, and they want it back.  How do they go about this. They have tried to negotiate (Arabs: Give us everything we want; we'll give you nothing/ Israel: We'll give you 96% of what you want ... Arabs: Nope, not good enough! Negotiate means you give us every single thing we want and we don't have to give you anything.  That is how we compromise.)  When that doesn't work, they just start killing people.  They go and shoot or stab innocent people.  Classic form  of bullying. The sad thing is that this mentality is working.  Last week there was a horrific attack in Tel Aviv.  One of the fathers of a terror victim didn't blame the murderers.  Oh no, he blamed the right-wing government for not giving into their demands!  

Why won't the world wake up and call the Arabs what they are.  They are the worlds biggest bullies.  They murder and terrorize people when they don't get their way.  Is every Arab a terrorist?  No.  But is most every terrorist a Arab ... I'll leave you to think that over.  Meanwhile, I'll sit back and watch this liberals in this country once again blame GUNS for killing people in Florida rather than a terrorist, who, by the way, passed a background check and 2 investigations from the FBI.  So much for their idea of gun control.  

It's seriously time for America to work on gun control.  You really need to know how to aim for center mass and fire off at least two rounds in less than 3 seconds. THAT my friends is good gun control.

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