Sunday, March 19, 2017

How NOT to clean for Pesach

Pesach cleaning and hoarding get along about as well together as, well, oil and water do.  Yes. I freely admit it. I am a hoarder. I'm sure that the TV Show "Hoarders" has a file opened on me, waiting for it to get bad enough for them to do a segment on me.  The fact is, I love THINGS. Doesn't matter what they are, but I love them and I have a hard time letting go of them.  I'm not to the point where I will beat someone up over a broken chair they are trying to toss, but I do find it almost impossible to let go of something that is perfectly usable. I just don't have a use for it right now.  Last year for Pesach I did a big purge ... only to find several months later that I actually NEEDED some of the stuff I got rid of. THAT is the worst nightmare of a confirmed hoarder. I have several bags from several pesachs of things I wasn't sure if I would need or not. And in all these years, I've never needed it, yet I still can't bring myself to toss those bags.

If you have ever wondered how a non-cleaner cleans for pesach, I'll share with you.

First, lay in bed for an hour and half looking at things on your phone while dreading getting out of bed. Next, potchke around looking for "things to do" before davening.  Eat breakfast, feel guilty about eating before davening, then daven. After davening, check out twitter and your email again for the millionth time. Admit defeat and have no excuse why not to get to work.
Now, mosey on into your bedroom, and take everything off  your night-table. Sort the stuff into piles of magazines and books.  Books go back onto the night-table. Magazines ... hmmm ... wow, there are some from LAST pesach that still haven't read been read!!! Are they seriously gonna read them???? No. OK, they go in the donate pile. Next ... on the way to getting a bag to put the magazines in, sit at the computer and look for the protein drink you like but the store no longer carries ... discover that it costs a buck more a container to order and decide you don't want it that badly ... walk back into the bedroom, sort the stuff on your dresses for about 3 minutes ... then decide it's time for a break. Peel an orange, and write a blog post about how pesach cleaning and hoarding do not go together.

OK ... SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!! Can someone invent a cure for hoarding that doesn't involve painful tossing of stuff????

And no way will I dare post a picture of my hoards of stuff. But if you need a pesach magazine from 2016, I know where to find one.

I guess I should go pretend I am working again, right?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

16th Yartzeit ~ Sefer Torah Campaign

(sorry to start this with a downer, but I write with my heart, and right now my heart is shattered)

16 Adar 5777
Today I write these words as we mark the 16th year of Yosef Chaim z'l passing. I can't begin to describe the pure agmus nefesh it is to look back and remember having to make the decision that ultimately caused his death. How could a mother and father have to decide (through our rabbis, of course), whether or not to continue giving the medication that was barely keeping him alive? I know at the time his heart was shutting down, as blood was not being pumped to his extremities. How? How do I not burst into tears remember laying next to him and trying not to cause him any pain, as his heart slowly stopped beating. (It's not like in the movies, I'll tell you that.) How do I forget that the nurse ran over to the morphine a few minutes before it ultimately happened to up it, because he was in pain? How do I forget the doctor listening for his heart beat, and pronouncing him dead? And one of the worst memories that I carry around is the pain my husband felt as both his father and rabbi had to pull him away from the grave? HOW???
Yes, I can try to focus on the happy memories. But for me, today, marks the day that all the horrible experiences we endured come flooding back. During the year, I am able to push these memories out of my mind, but today, they bubble up to the top and spill over. The pain so deep that it is mamash a physical pain, buried deep in my chest, inside my heart. It is basically indescribable. That's what I am trying to say.

Last night, I hosted a gathering in his memory. I held it in the bais medrash that the Yeshiva has dedicated in his honor. We heard from Rabbi Bart (via his wife as he was ill) who had started teaching Yossi the trup for his bar mitzvah. R' Menachem Sherman, a close friend of Yossi's, spoke about the mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah. Yonatan, another one of Yossi's closest friends, spoke about memories, and also introduced the Sefer Torah Campaign. My father-in-law spoke so lovingly about his memories of Yossi. Finally, I stood before his parachos that bear his name, and this is the speech I delivered:

I'd like to thank everyone for coming out on such a yucky night. Let me start with, I'm not Yossi! I was going through his old work and the many many letters we received (yes; I saved them all!). One thing that totally amazed me was that when he was 12 years old, Yossi was chosen to be a representative for Richmond Blood Services. He was asked to speak about his bone marrow transplant experience. Yossi was able to do it just from an outline on flash cards! Me, I need to read it from my prepared speech. (A special thank you goes out to Dabney who I believe helped to prepare him for this.)
Over the course of my grief journey, I have met many other moms who lose children of all ages. A lot of them have had the experience of losing friends as well. People who dropped them after their child passed away, or even having “friends” who crossed the street to avoid them. My experience has been the exact opposite. I've had the most lovely and loyal friends a person could ever hope for. They have allowed to feel what I need to feel, and have never told me I was wrong, or it's time to move on, etc. This past weekend, when I struggled and was in a very dark place, they were there for me, allowing me to crying on their shoulders, both literally and figuratively. Even in my effort to “boycott” Purim, not one single friend said to me that I was wrong. I think that this is something that has helped me tremendously in my journey. I feel like, Yossi's story is not really a story of one child. Rather, it is a story of the entire Richmond community. A community who came together as one, mamash k'eish echad b'lev echad. Yossi may have been my child, but I believe that he was also everyone's child. Looking back, I think it was such a beautiful thing. And yes, I do feel that that alone was something “good” that came out of this whole ordeal. At the time of Yossi's diagnosis 20 years ago, I had 4 kids and worked 3 jobs. (I taught at RTA, Hebrew school, and decorated cakes in my “free” time.) It was a very hard balancing act as many moms will tell you. Throw in a cancer diagnosis, and it became overwhelming. One night, Perel said to me, “Please let people help you. YOU will be doing a chesed to let them help, because they want to help”. We all know how women like to feel like “you can do it all”. One of the hard things about Yossi's illness was not being the giver, but being a taker. It is very hard for someone used to giving to take, but in the case, it wasn't only a chesed for everyone else, it was totally necessary for me. So I stepped back and let others help us. Meals were brought, the kids were carpooled … anything we needed all I had to do was ask. Yossi was one of the vary rare cases who chemo failed to achieve remission. It was the first time MCV had seen such a case. We were immediately sent to the Bone Marrow Transplant team. Even before we knew anything, people were already volunteering to be tested!
To me, achdus and ahavas yisroel go hand in hand. If you love everyone, you will become one with them. The community joined together in a tremendous showing of achdus. We had people who were religious, not yet religious, not Jewish, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, “nothing”, atheist, every gamut of the spectrum was represented. That was one of the amazing things that Yossi was able to do. He was able to strip away the labels that divide us, and make us just people. We were united in one in pain when things didn't go the way we had hoped, and united as one in joy when they did. There is one unbelievable story that happened before his transplant. Yossi was running a fever. It was a very high fever, and the doctors weren't sure of the cause. They had checked for all the normal causes and couldn't find the culprit. They moved him to the ICU, and basically told us to prepare; that this could be the end. Rabbi Ron asked everyone to fast, and everyone gathered at RTA to say tehillim together. It was literally at that the time that people were saying tehillim that his fever broke, and he started on the road to recovery. Suddenly, things started going right where before they had failed to work. Yossi was well enough to go to transplant, and he did superb post transplant. In fact, Yossi never had to go in-patient post transplant, something that is almost unheard of. At two years post transplant, I was told by a frum doctor in St. Judes, “He's cured! Make a party, paint your nails, go out and celebrate”. Nine months later, everyone was shocked to find out that he had relapsed. And once again, there was no protocol for him. They were shooting in the dark trying to figure out what to do until we could get him to transplant again. This time we decided to go to MN.
With the love of the community, we set off to MN for what we hoped would be his cure. During this time, everyone stayed in touch with us via Yossi's blog (although it wasn't called a blog then; there wasn't even the word yet!). We were blessed to have visits from people in the Richmond community. I will never forget nor stop appreciating the sacrifice that both Noa and Rabbi Klestzick made for us. When I was at my lowest point, feeling scared and alone, Noa asked if I wanted her to come. I said yes, and there she was. When my kids needed to be flown out quickly, tickets were arranged for my in-laws and kids. Even at the end, when he passed away, Rabbi Ron asked us where we wanted him buried. It was all arranged for us. How do you say thank you to such love? How can words convey how much nechama we got from the love around us? During Yossi's illness, prayers were constantly being said. More than anything else, people were doing mitzvos. The whole time I had always asked for people to do a mitzvah to give Yossi another zchus, hoping it would tip the scale in favor of a cure.
Towards the very end, the doctors were repeatedly trying to convince us to turn off the medication that was keeping him alive. I explained to the doctor that every minute that he is living, people are doing good deeds and he is accumulating them. This non-Jewish doctor joined us by his bedside to say tehillim on the day we asked everyone around the world to daven for him.
After Yossi passed away, we received so many cards, emails, and notes. One of the notes that gave me so much comfort read:
Yosef Chaim was able to endure for a long time while in b'olam hazeh. Moreover, his levaya was delayed, allowing you time to return home. Chazal teach that for each mitzvah a person does he acquires an angel, who will precede him on his journey to Olam Ha'Emes announcing the mitzvah. Certainly the gates are very wide, but it took a long, long time for all the angels preceding Yosef Chaim to enter and be machriz his mitzvos and middos, hence the reason for the length of time.”
I have fliers for you about the project I am launching. This is a very special campaign that means so much to me. Even though I didn't really believe that Yossi was going to die, near the end, I climbed into bed with him. I kept kissing him, thinking that I need to try to give him enough kisses to last a lifetime. But who am I kidding? There is no way to do that. One of the hardest parts of being a bereaved mom is having empty arms. Yossi was so loving. He had a second sense for when I needed a hug, and he would be there to give me one. This bais medrash, these paroches, the library, they are all a beautiful tribute. But I want, no, I need something physical, something that is totally connected to him that can be held and loved. Many years ago, my son Shauly once asked me to stop buying books for the library, and to buy a sefer Torah. I was too scared to take that commitment on. But it was there, in the back of my mind. I spoke about it to others. One of my good friends reminded me last week that I made her promise me that when she wins the lotto, she is using her maaser to buy me a sefer Torah. Last year, on my Our Tapestry What's App group, we were talking about my dream of buying a sefer Torah. Several of the moms have already done that. They said to me that when you bring the sefer Torah to shul, under the chuppah, it feels almost like you are bringing your child to chuppah. Something that we never get to do. Last Tishrei, my daughter-in-law Zahava's brother celebrated his bar mitzvah. Many of you know that normally, I do not attend bar mitzvahs, as they are just too painful. This time, I went for my machatanester Malka, whom I love dearly. As I was walking to shul Shabbos morning, I was berating myself. “Why did I do this? Why am I such a glutton for punishment.” I decided though that I would smile and be happy for her. And I was. Until I her lovely son hugging the sefer Torah. I watched Nesanel hug that Sefer Torah with such love in his eyes, and I said to myself, “I NEED A SEFER TORAH FOR YOSSI”. I need it for me. I need something physical in this world that can be hugged and kissed to make up for all the hugs and kisses I am not giving him. I need his neshama to have the aliyah from other's getting called up, something he never got. This Sefer Torah is going to be full of love and achdus, just like Yossi was. It is already uniting together all different types of people. Yossi's childhood friend Adam Lessin has been commissioned to write it. He feels so close to the project, and it feels so special to have someone who loves him to do it. The fliers have all the details, as well as a url to visit. I'm looking to raise about $55,000. The goal is to have this Torah here in this very room, in this aron kodesh, for Yossi's 18th yartzeit (if chas v'shalom Moshiach hasn't come yet!).
Before I finish, I would like to say Thank You to those who have already pledged money. Yossi's good friends Yonatan, Menachem, and Avrummie helped me with the committee to get this campaign started. I would also like to say a extra special THANK YOU to Yonatan. He has been working side by side with me tirelessly for the past two weeks to get this campaign launched. He helped me with the many, many details, giving ideas I would have never thought of. He has continued to amaze me with his insightful thoughts and brilliant ideas. It is through this hard work that I see his true love for Yossi, which is a nechama to me. Some of my friends have a hard time seeing their deceased child's friends. I have gotten a lot of nachas from watching these children grown into adults.
And with that, I was also hoping that some of the people who knew Yossi could share memories of him with us tonight.

We then shared memories, and Rabbi Kranz pledged money for the campaign, and encouraged others to as well. (Yay! We raised $2,000 in 2 minutes. If only the whole thing went that quickly.) The whole night was a huge nechama for me. I love hearing the stories that kids share with me.

One of the things that I feel about this project is the love people have towards Yossi. It is so heartwarming to know that 16 years later, Yossi still holds a special in many hearts.

Please visit his Sefer Torah Campaign and please please please DONATE!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sefer Torah Campaign for the Yossman

The 613th Mitzvah in the Torah

And now write for you this song ...”-
Deuteronomy 31:19

By this injunction we are commanded that every person among us is to have a scroll of the Torah for himself … If he writes on it with his own hand, Scripture considers it as if he had received it from Mount Sinai. If he cannot write it for himself, he is obliged to purchase one or hire a scribe who will write it for him. ~ Maimonides

Yossi Chaim a'h, 2000;. Camp Simcha's hachnases sefer Torah


Chumash (entire book) $7,500* ($312.50 a month x 24 months)
_ Beraishis (Genesis)
_ Shemos (Exodus)
_ Vayikra (Leviticus)
_ Bamidbar (Numbers)
_ Devarim (Deuteronomy)

Torah Dressings
_Mantel (torah cover) $5,500* ($230.00 a month x 24 months)
_Keser (crown) $4,500 ($187.50 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Chosen (breast plate) $3,600 ($150 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Gartel (belt) $2,400 ($100 a month x 24 months)

Special Portions 1 $2,400 ($100 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Shaishish y'mai Beraishis (days of creation)
_ Aseres Hadibros 1 (Ten Commandments)
_ Aseres Hadibros 2 (Ten Commandments)
~SOLD~V'zos Habracha (Final Torah portion)
~SOLD~Parshas hamohn (portion about Manna/ good for livelihood)
_Ani Hashem Rofecha (I am Hashem Your Healer)
_Kol Han'arim (Portion for having children)

Special Portions 2 $1,800 ($75.00 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Shema Yisroel (Judaism's Mission Statement)
_Shiras Hayam (Song by the sea)
~SOLD~hamalach hagoel (Goodnight prayer)
_birchas kohanim (Priestly blessing)
_Akadas Yitzchok (Binding of Isaac)
~SOLD~Vayetain l'cha (Isaac's bracha)
_Yaakov's bracha (Jacob's blessing)
_Mah Tovu (Bilaam's blessing to Jewish people)
_13 Middos (13 Divine attributes of Mercy)
_Moshe's bracha (Moses final blessing to Jewish people)

Double Parasha (double weekly portion) $1,200 ($50.00 a month x 24 months)
_Acharei Mos-Kedoshim

Parasha (weekly portion) $613 ($25.54 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Beraishis _Noach _Lech Lecha _Vayera
_Chaya Sora _Toldos _Vayetzei _Vayechi
_Vayigash _Mikaitz _Vayeshev _Vayeshlach
_Shemos _Vaeira _Bo _B'shalach ~SOLD~Yisro
_Mishpatim __Terumah _Tetzaveh ~SOLD~Ki Sisa
_Vayakhel _Pekudei
_Vayikra _Tzav ~SOLD~Shemini _Tazria
_Metzora _Acharei Mos _Kedoshim
~SOLD~Emor _Behar _Bechukosai
_Bamidbar _Naso _Behaaloscha _Shelach
_Korach _Chukas _Balak _Pinchas
_Matos _Masei
_Devarim ~SOLD~V'eschanan _Eikev _Re'eh _Shoftim
_Ki Seitzei _Ki Savo _Nitzavim _Vayeilech
_Ha'azinu ~SOLD~V'zos Habracha

_ Column $432 ($18.00 a month x 24 months)
_ Aliyah (section) $360 ($15.00 a month x 24 months)
_ Perek (chapter) $180 ($7.50 a month x 24 months)
_ Pasuk/im (sentence/s) - Torah verse/s $72.00
_ Word/s in the Torah $54.00
_ Letter/s in the Torah (adult) $36.00
_ Letter/s in the Torah (child) $18.00

*(name on mantel as donor)

All donations are tax deductible.
Donations may be made “in honor of” or “in memory of”. Every donation will be receiving a certificate of purchase. (Please provide the necessary information for the certificate.)
To make a donation by check, please make checks payable to Yeshiva of Virginia. In the memo include a note “Yossi's Sefer Torah”. Send them to:
Leah Paley, 507 Chantecler Ave, Richmond, VA 23226

Actual donations can be made through the official Campaign page here:

Saturday, March 4, 2017

SNEAK PEEK ... At Yossi's Sefer Torah Campaign

Hopefully, before Yossi's yartzeit next week (evening of March 13-March 14), Yossi's sefer Torah campaign will go live online. Meanwhile, I am offering you a sneak peek of the campaign I am launching. This will be on his blog, iy'h.  These two pictures are from the Hachnases Sefer Torah that Yossi a'h attended at Camp Simcha.

Jewish boys look forward to their bar mitzvah for a long time. It is one of the major milestones in their lives. My oldest Yossi Chaim a'h Paley also looked forward to his own celebration. He had been diagnosed in 1997 with leukemia, but after a bone marrow transplant in 1998, he was “cured”. His whole life was ahead of him and he was excited to enjoy it. He began to learn how to read his aliyah early. Then, a mere 7 months before his big day, he relapsed. Chemo failed to cure him, and tragically, he was never called up to the Torah on his bar mitzvah. He passed away six weeks before on March 10 / 16 Adar.
One of the biggest merits you can give a soul is to have a sefer Torah written in their memory. For many years, the hope and dream of doing this one day has lingered in my heart. Recently, I attended a bar mitzvah. I watched the bar mitzvah boy hugging the sefer Torah. Before Yossi died, I climbed into bed with him, and tried to give him enough kisses to last a life time. Obviously, that is impossible. One of the hardest parts of losing a child is not having them here physically to hug and kiss. I watch this young man hug that sefer torah with such love in his eyes, and I said to myself, I NEED A SEFER TORAH FOR YOSSI. I finally feel that I am able to accomplish this. However, I can't do it alone. I can with the help of everyone. When Yossi was sick, the entire Richmond community joined together to fast and pray for his recovery. They stormed the Heavens, begging and pleading. People around the world followed his blog and prayed for his full recovery at specific times. Sadly, the answer was “no”. Now I would like to give everyone a chance to join together in writing a sefer Torah. There is a mitzvah in the Torah for each and every person to write his own sefer Torah. Since it is really cost prohibitive for most people, the next best way to do it is to contribute to the writing of one. The completion of this project is set to take place on his 18th yartzeit on March 22, 2019 (mark your calendar!).
Every time the Torah is used, it will be a special merit for his soul. Please help by contributing to the campaign. Large donations can be broken up into 24 payments. One time donations can be made as well. Please give generously and may you all be blessed with only knowing from revealed goodness.

First request will be honored. Call or email Leah for more information and for other payment options. Donations may be made in honor of or in memory of as well. Please provide the necessary information for the certificate. You MUST specify when you donate through the Yeshiva page that this donation is for Yossi's Sefer Torah.

Chumash (entire book) $7,500 (name on mantel as donor) ($312.50 a month x 24 months)
_ Beraishis (Genesis)
_ Shemos (Exodus)
_ Vayikra (Leviticus)
_ Bamidbar (Numbers)
_ Devarim (Deuteronomy)

_Mantel (torah cover) $5,500 (name on mantel as donor) ($230.00 a month x 24 months)

_Keser (crown) $4,500 ($187.50 a month x 24 months)

_Chosen (breast plate) $3,600 ($150 a month x 24 months)

_Gartel (belt) $2,400 (name on gartel as donor)($100 a month x 24 months)

Special Portions $2,400 ($100 a month x 24 months)
_Berashis (days of creation)
_ _2x Asaros hadibros (ten commandments)
~SOLD~V'zos Habracha (final Torah portion)
_Parshas hamohn (portion about Manna/ good for livelihood)

Special Portions $1,800 ($75.00 a month x 24 months)
_Shema Yisroel (Judaism's Mission Statement)
_Shir hayam (Song by the sea)
_hamalach hagoel (goodnight prayer)
_birchas kohanim (Priestly blessing)
_Akadas Yitzchok (binding of Isaac)
~SOLD~Vayetain l'cha (Isaac's bracha)
_Yaakovs bracha (Jacob's blessing)
_I am Hashem the Healer
_Mah Tovu (Bilaam's blessing to Jewish people)
_13 Middos (13 Divine attributes of Mercy)
_Portion for having children
_Moshe's bracha (blessing Moses gave before dying)

Double Parasha (double weekly portion) $1,200 ($50.00 a month x 24 months)
_Acharei Mos-Kedoshim

Parasha (weekly portion) $613 ($25.54 a month x 24 months)

Lech Lecha
Chaya Sora
Acharei Mos
Ki Saitzei
Ki Savo
Ki Sisa

V'zos Habracha

_column $500 ($20.83 a month x 24 months)
_ Aliyah (section) $360 ($15.00 a month x 24 months)
_ Perek (chapter) $180 ($7.50 a month x 24 months)
_ Pasuk/im (sentence/s) - Torah verse/s $72.00
_ Word/s in the Torah $36.00

_ Letter/s in the Torah $18.00