Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sefer Torah Campaign for the Yossman

The 613th Mitzvah in the Torah

And now write for you this song ...”-
Deuteronomy 31:19

By this injunction we are commanded that every person among us is to have a scroll of the Torah for himself … If he writes on it with his own hand, Scripture considers it as if he had received it from Mount Sinai. If he cannot write it for himself, he is obliged to purchase one or hire a scribe who will write it for him. ~ Maimonides

Yossi Chaim a'h, 2000;. Camp Simcha's hachnases sefer Torah


Chumash (entire book) $7,500* ($312.50 a month x 24 months)
_ Beraishis (Genesis)
_ Shemos (Exodus)
_ Vayikra (Leviticus)
_ Bamidbar (Numbers)
_ Devarim (Deuteronomy)

Torah Dressings
_Mantel (torah cover) $5,500* ($230.00 a month x 24 months)
_Keser (crown) $4,500 ($187.50 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Chosen (breast plate) $3,600 ($150 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Gartel (belt) $2,400 ($100 a month x 24 months)

Special Portions 1 $2,400 ($100 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Shaishish y'mai Beraishis (days of creation)
_ Aseres Hadibros 1 (Ten Commandments)
_ Aseres Hadibros 2 (Ten Commandments)
~SOLD~V'zos Habracha (Final Torah portion)
~SOLD~Parshas hamohn (portion about Manna/ good for livelihood)
_Ani Hashem Rofecha (I am Hashem Your Healer)
_Kol Han'arim (Portion for having children)

Special Portions 2 $1,800 ($75.00 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Shema Yisroel (Judaism's Mission Statement)
_Shiras Hayam (Song by the sea)
~SOLD~hamalach hagoel (Goodnight prayer)
_birchas kohanim (Priestly blessing)
_Akadas Yitzchok (Binding of Isaac)
~SOLD~Vayetain l'cha (Isaac's bracha)
_Yaakov's bracha (Jacob's blessing)
_Mah Tovu (Bilaam's blessing to Jewish people)
_13 Middos (13 Divine attributes of Mercy)
_Moshe's bracha (Moses final blessing to Jewish people)

Double Parasha (double weekly portion) $1,200 ($50.00 a month x 24 months)
_Acharei Mos-Kedoshim

Parasha (weekly portion) $613 ($25.54 a month x 24 months)
~SOLD~Beraishis _Noach _Lech Lecha _Vayera
_Chaya Sora _Toldos _Vayetzei _Vayechi
_Vayigash _Mikaitz _Vayeshev _Vayeshlach
_Shemos _Vaeira _Bo _B'shalach ~SOLD~Yisro
_Mishpatim __Terumah _Tetzaveh ~SOLD~Ki Sisa
_Vayakhel _Pekudei
_Vayikra _Tzav ~SOLD~Shemini _Tazria
_Metzora _Acharei Mos _Kedoshim
~SOLD~Emor _Behar _Bechukosai
_Bamidbar _Naso _Behaaloscha _Shelach
_Korach _Chukas _Balak _Pinchas
_Matos _Masei
_Devarim ~SOLD~V'eschanan _Eikev _Re'eh _Shoftim
_Ki Seitzei _Ki Savo _Nitzavim _Vayeilech
_Ha'azinu ~SOLD~V'zos Habracha

_ Column $432 ($18.00 a month x 24 months)
_ Aliyah (section) $360 ($15.00 a month x 24 months)
_ Perek (chapter) $180 ($7.50 a month x 24 months)
_ Pasuk/im (sentence/s) - Torah verse/s $72.00
_ Word/s in the Torah $54.00
_ Letter/s in the Torah (adult) $36.00
_ Letter/s in the Torah (child) $18.00

*(name on mantel as donor)

All donations are tax deductible.
Donations may be made “in honor of” or “in memory of”. Every donation will be receiving a certificate of purchase. (Please provide the necessary information for the certificate.)
To make a donation by check, please make checks payable to Yeshiva of Virginia. In the memo include a note “Yossi's Sefer Torah”. Send them to:
Leah Paley, 507 Chantecler Ave, Richmond, VA 23226

Actual donations can be made through the official Campaign page here:

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