Sunday, April 12, 2015

Life without Facebook

Passover is done, and if I want, I have time to fight to get my Facebook account back. The thing is, as the days go by, I am missing it less and less.  I did start blogging again.  (Duh, you know that if you are reading this.)  I did start using Twitter a little. I don't 100% understand it.  I was debating about Instagram, but I think my kids would have a freak attack if I joined.

The only thing I miss is seeing how people are doing.  But, the truth there is, my feed was always so messed up.  There would be posts from 5-10 people, and that was it.  For days on end.  Then magically new people would appear, and the old ones were gone.  It was a source of so much frustration to me.  

The only thing I feel bad about is that there are people I wanted to reach.  People I only spoke with on Facebook, and now that is gone.  I regret that.  I hope no one thinks I deleted them on purpose.  Oh well.  Nothing I can do about it.

So what am I doing with all my extra time?  LOL ... nothing, really!  I got a bunch of auctions up on Ebay today.  I got all the Pesach stuff put away except for the towels that came out of the washer a while ago.  That is actually a huge accomplishment!  Given that the pesach dishes were out almost until pesach sheni last year.  I have a lot of chometz stuff put back.  I've sorted through some jewelry.

What I really want to do is clean up the sewing room, and start sewing again.  Sadly ... I promised my husband I would start baking crackers again.  I am actually dreading that.

I really, really, really need to get back into working out.  Taking a daily walk.  I would like at some point to start lifting weights, but that is a long off thought.  

So realistically ... immediate goals- clean the kitchen.  And the rest of the house.  (It's pretty much done; just needs to be straightened up.)  Start mountains of laundry.  Spend 15 mins in the sewing room tomorrow cleaning.  Make chicken crackers.  Treat myself to something ... maybe a jewelry jar?  Oh, I'll have to blog about those tomorrow.  That is my personal crack!

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