Monday, July 18, 2016

A World With OUT Color

I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Beautiful words spoken by a gentle man who had a very dream for his time ... His dream was simple, a world where you look beyond skin and see the true essence of a person.  (Which is actually part of the idea of tznius, modesty, in Judaism is all about, looking beyond the body and see the woman's inner beauty.)  Martin Luther King dreamed of a world where people would live side by side in harmony together.  I am not an expert on him or his teachings, but I would vouch to say that he would be dismayed and shocked over the state of America today.  We have set up a system where black people are giving an advantage, just because of the color of their skin ... Affirmative Action ... you have to hire a certain number of people based on diversity, not on their skills ... We have a world where people elected a man not because of his ideology, but because of the color of his skin.  THAT IS NOT WHAT HE MEANT!  He meant exactly the opposite!  We should have elected the first black president based on the fact that he was the best man for the job.
And now we see that this man, who, ironically isn't even fully black, he's half black, is trying his hardest to divide this country.  We see time and time again, when a black person is shot, he is quick to jump in with comments on how this awful.  A white woman shot by an illegal, no comment. Five dead police officers in Dallas, time to talk about gun control and himself. Three dead police officers in Baton Rouge, we have to stop the rhetoric ... When will the Left admit, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE PUSHING COLOR?  They refuse to left people succeed on their own.  It's because the Left feels that left on their own, they won't succeed, which is why they need that helping hand.  Isn't that derogatory?  Personally, if I were black, I would be so insulted with that thought.  Actually, I AM insulted by it, no matter the color of your skin. Basically, the Left is saying that you can't make it on your own, so we are going to give you a helping hand.
Last week I was called a racist because I said that the Democrats have destroyed the black family.  They have created an environment where women are encouraged NOT to have husbands.  They are, in essence, married to the government and dependent on their hand outs.  
I am called a misogynist (maybe a self-hating woman?) because I find it disgusting that the number killer of black babies is abortion.  Again, this is the Left's vicious attack on the black family.   
I don't remember a time when the news would report, a white cop, a black man, etc.  It was always, a man committed this crime.  In a time when the country was supposed to have totally moved past race issues, we are set back so far.  And it is thanks to a man who was supposed to unite us.  Way to Go! Right on track for destroying this country.  I do have to compliment him ... Well done! You set out to destroy and you are doing exactly what you said you would.

G-d help us all! I wish we were closer to a world where people didn't see color, but the Left will never let us.  They are the ones hindering progress.  How ironic they call themselves progressives.  Maybe regressive is more like it.

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