Sunday, April 29, 2018

Holy Shabbos in the Holy City

Shabbos April 28th / 13 Iyar
As I said yesterday, I got a chance to bring in shabbos early.
Because of the way Pesach fell out this year, Sheindy and I lost two parshios, Acharai Mos & Kedoshim. Eretz Yisroel is a week ahead of the US in parshios.
Friday night found us hosting Shmueli and Akiva. These two are former Virginians (Shmueli in an unofficial sense; he's an honorary Virginian.) As always, it's always such fun to have them around. Shauly's building hosts a shabbos elevator, which is annoying IMHO. It beeps when it is about to close and you can hear it on other floors.
Shauly and Zahava wowed us with lots of yummy food.
Shabbos morning started early for me, with Huvi waking up at 6am as usual. That's easy too early for me. I read until 9, and then went back to sleep. However, it messed me up sleep wise, since I usually use shabbos to catch up on missing sleep. (Not good, I know. It's just the way I operate.)
Shmueli, and Penina, Yitzi, and Yaffi joined us for lunch. It was such a nice meal. I kept saying I wanted to go to the shuk to see the art on the gates until Shmueli pointed out in going to want to take pictures. So I took a nap instead.
Motzai shabbos was a cool treat. Pizza from Pizza Hut with Ben & Jerry's ice cream for dessert. Both were obviously kosher and cholov Yisroel.

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