Friday, May 3, 2019

Another Birthday Sans Birth Day Boy

Chof Zayin Nissan

Some people look at it as Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day. Honestly, I never even knew about it until the day my Labor and Delivery nurse showed up in my room to tell me how meaningful it was for her to see a Jewish baby born on this day.  To me, this day was always just "Yossi's Birthday".

Wednesday found me getting very down. I had some great jewelry finds, but nothing was enough to pick me up. Usually, I make the birthday child's favorite dinner, but this year I did something different. I made US a special dinner, which we all enjoyed very much. (Thank you to my dear husband for buying us ground lamb for Pesach. LOL ... waited until after to make lamburgers. No, they were not as good as the ones from Burgers Bar in Israel, but they were delish.) 

Thursday morning however found me in a very unusual place for 7:30am. I went to Yeshiva to see them use Yossi's Torah.  I actually heard it before I saw it. I heard the little tinkling of the bells (they aren't real bells, cuz the middle piece is not there, but they do klink against the sides of the kesser) before I realized they had taken it out. I know it was only 3 aliyos, but it was enough to pull me up and carry me though out the whole day.

Thank You Hashem for such a big bracha of having Yossi's Sefer Torah so close by!

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