Saturday, February 13, 2016

A Holy Day in a Holy City in a Holy Country

Shabbos in Yerushalayim; it doesn't get any better than that! Shabbos comes in and peace descends. At least, I think it does, since no one wanted to go for a walk with me last night. After the seuda, Zahava, Shauly, Sruli and I all played Rummikub. I won't spill the beans over who tried to cheat, but it wasn't me or Zahava. Lol. After the boys left, Zahava and I talked late into the night. So late that the timer popped all the lights out. One thing I really enjoyed about this visit is how close Zahava and I are becoming. It's really very special and something I will always cherish.
This morning I woke up the best weather I've had my whole trip. Warm enough that I don't need a jacket or sweater. (Ironically, back in VA they have super low temperatures. Can't say I am missing those.) I took Rikki to the park before lunch. There is a little park not far from Shauly and Zahava's apartment. It seemed like a lot of other people had the same idea. One woman came over and started saying hi to Rikki. So cute. Rikki loves the slide. Then she went over to this round toy that spins around. Rikki knows how to make it spin by holding onto the center piece and turning herself. So smart for such a little girl. And I am totally not biased at all.
This shabbos marked my grandfather's ninth yartzeit. After lunch we all walked to the Old City to go to the Kosel. How cool is that? Totally amazing. When I make aliyah, I want to live walking distance from the Kosel. On the way there, my stepfather day a man. He calls out, "Moshe", and the guy turns around. Turns out this is an old friend of his from over 30 years ago. (It also turns out that Shauly once ate in his house when he was a bachor.) He lives right near where we met up with him. He invited us back to his house. He had a high roof that overlooks the Aish rooftop. We had the most spectacular view of the areas surrounding Yerushalayim. On the way out, it turns out that his son in law is the brother to one of the local shluchim by us. The Jewish world is so tiny.
We finally made our way down to the Kosel. It's pure bliss to sit by the kosel on a shabbos afternoon and say some tehillim. The only thing that could to that would be to actually have the bais Hamikdash there.
Motzai shabbos was spent torturing my family back home with a million phone calls from me and preparing for our Artzeinu tour tomorrow of the Judean Desert. Can't wait!

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