Friday, February 12, 2016

The Beginning of The End

I'm so sad. I'm now starting my countdown to the end of my trip. I really know I should look at this positively, but it's so hard. Today was my last visit out eruv shabbos here. There is something very special to see everyone rushing around with the same goal. We are all trying to get to shabbos and make it as nice as possible. I know that other large communities have the same thing, like in New York. But in Richmond, it's not the same. You bump into someone, sometimes a bunch of people. But it's not the same thing as seeing huge crowds of Yidden.
The walk to Geula was so pleasant. The weather has turned to a perfect temperature. Clear skies, lots of sun, not too hot and not too cool. We hit some stores I didn't see last time, and some stores I did.
I loved when we got to the shuk. I finally figured out what to compare it to. If you have ever been in Crown Heights for simchas bais hashoaiva, then you understand the crowded streets. The shuk is the same idea ... Tons of Yidden all packed one place, each trying to get some where else. I loved seeing Chabad with their tefillin stations.
Today I finally bumped into my first Richmonder... Julia, regards from your son.
Shauly got a hair cut on our way home, and I discovered how tired I actually am. Looking forward to my last shabbos here.
Like one store keeper said when I told him to wrap it up in bubble wrap cuz it's going to America ... He asked me why? I kinda shrugged my shoulders, and he said, Moshiach will come on Sunday. I said, Sunday? Let him come today!
Iy'H, he'll come before I leave!!!
Good shabbos.

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