Monday, February 15, 2016

A Siren & Lots of Animals

Well, today I got the full Israel Experience. I guess you can't say you really visited Israel until you heard the siren go off announcing a possible rocket.  Yup.  A little after 10am, I hear the siren.  Shauly is at Yeshiva learning, and I am here with me, myself and I while Zahava is sleeping.  So what did I do?  I woke her up, of course!  She said, "Don't worry about it."  And what do you think I did?  I WORRIED ABOUT IT! Duh!  I sorta promised my husband I would return home in one piece, and I would keep my big, fat mouth shut. So far I've been good on my promise, and I didn't want to mess it up right before I am supposed to go home.  I quickly went on Arutz Sheva and found out that it was merely a test in the whole country to practice for a possible rocket attack.  Whew.  Nothing like hearing a rocket siren to get your blood pumping, now is there!
I got another special Israeli treat today too, except this one was a lot better than the first.  I got a fantastic iced coffee.  I've been guzzling these down.  Today we went down the block to a store called Greens.  They have muffins and bagels and other yummy looking stuff that I can't eat for organic reasons.  However, I have been indulging in the iced coffees.  I don't want to know what is in them, so if you know, please do NOT tell me.  I had a yummy caramel one.  I saw how they make them, so I can attempt to make it at home.  It is sorta a cross between a slurpee and a milk shake.
Our whole group then headed over to the Biblical Zoo.  This is a very, very large zoo that is very unique.  Parts of the zoo tell you where in Tanach the animal is found.  We headed off to the children's petting zoo so Rikki could pet the animals before she took her nap. At first, she wasn't too interested.  Then she made friends with this big ram.  At least, I think it's a ram.  It has a very shaggy coat.

After a short snack we continued on our merry way.  I always joke around that I am a whack job.  I guess that makes my kids whack jobs as well.  They are just as nutty, it not more, than me.

Sruli and Shauly were enjoying the otters.  

Sruli is an awesome uncle. 
There is a section called The Bible Lands, which is really interesting and we'll worth a visit.  The information on each animal includes the pasuk in Tanach where this animal is mentioned.  Overall, the zoo a a whole is very well thought out, but this part is so fun.  It is amazing to see animals that you never knew were mentioned in Tanach.
We spent a good part of the day walking around and seeing the animals.  We were having such a great time.  Late in the afternoon we arrived in the Lori Aviary.
This is a fascinating section.  You walk through a door, and then through double flaps.  There are birds flying around all over the place.  I was busy taking a video of the whole place when I caught up with the kids.
They were all at one end of the room, crowded around a cute red bird.  Apparently, they were trying to convince it to get on one of their hands.  The bird didn't think it was such a good idea, and he let Shauly know by biting him.
That didn't deter Sruli though!  He kept trying and trying and finally he got it on his finger.  Not such a clear picture from my phone, but his face and hand say it all.
Next thing we knew this mean looking woman comes stomping down towards us with a look to kill on her face.  She stood between Sruli and the birds, and we got the hint ... We were no longer welcomed in the exhibit.  Oh well, it was great fun while it lasted.
We went out to eat tonight at the Red Heifer.  It is a phenomenal steak house here in Jerusalem, actually walking distance from Shauly (sorta; it's a long walk).  We all had so much to eat, and it was so filling.  The food tasted incredible and the service was spectacular.
Seriously, if you are looking for a great experience, this is where you want to go.  (We don't say that lightly; we have had two bad experiences eating out.)
Back at Shauly's apartment, and I am so tired.  I have one more suitcase to pack, and truthfully, I really do not want to do it!  I keep hoping and praying Moshiach will come and bring my husband & kids here.  But like all good dreams, this one is too about to end ...

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