Tuesday, February 16, 2016

With a Heavy Heart and Many Tears

I'm so excited to see my family left back in America, but I'm so sad to be leaving home. Even though I had never been here, I have always felt that Israel is a part of me as much as I am a part of it. I've toured the holy spots. I got to see the beauty and majesty. I feel like when I leave, a part of my heart will be left behind. I've been davening so hard that Moshiach should come, so that this day won't. But as of right now, I'm still scheduled to leave. ( There is still time up until the plane takes off!)

Do the people here really appreciate what it means to live here? I think many do. They live Eretz Yisroel as much as they love their family. If you have never been here, you can't understand what I'm trying to convey. It's very much like trying to describe color to someone who is blind.

Israel has its share of problems. But just like it is easy to overlook annoying characteristics of that looney aunt or uncle, so too can you do it here.

Kol Yisroel yaish lechem chailek. All of Bnei Yisroel has a piece of Israel as our inheritance. But not only that, Eretz Yisroel has a piece of us as our inheritance as well. This is always our home. It stands and waits for our return.

Iy"h, I hope to be zoche to return very quickly, preferably with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkainu.

I still have less than half a day. One last trip to Geula; one long trip to my favorite spot, the Kosel. Leaving some pictures here, and I'll write more later.

I stepped outside the apartment and was greeted with the most incredible sight ..

Some random pictures from the trip in Israel, my home --

Me and Leah Bowman

Me and Avraham Aveinu

Making fresh rice cakes in the shuk

Roots growing on the outside of the trunk

Btw, this post has been all day in three making. I'm headed to the kosel for a last mincha before I have to leave.

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